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Audio and Video Shiurim 5781

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Audio Shiurim 2020

Rabbi Yosef Weinstock :  Kosher Kitchen Q and A (January 18, 2021) click here

Rabbi Adam Frieberg Sukkot: Growing Through our Exile - September 30, 2020 
click here.

Exploring the Torah Readings of Rosh Hashanah with Sara Frieberg:
Day 1 - click here - 
September 3, 2020 
Day 2 - click here - September 10, 2020
Both Days Haftorot - click here - September 17, 2020


Rabbi Weinstock's Teshuva Shiur (Part 1 of Series) - Elul 5780
September 2, 2020 click here

Rabbi Weinstock's Tefilah Shiur (Part 2 of series)- Elul 5780
September 9, 2020 click here

Rabbi Weinstock's Tzedaka Shiur (Part 3 of Series) Elul 5780
September 16, 2020 click here

Mrs. Mali Brofsky on "Eicha: Style, Structure and Themes"
July 26, 2020  click here

Rabbi Jonathan Hirsch: The Nature of Tisha Bav
July 27, 2020  click here

Rabbi David Brofsky on "The Nature of the Three Weeks"
July 19, 2020 click here

Rabbi Menachem Liebtag "Tehillim & the Temple what came first? The Biblical logic of Psukai D'zimra on Shabbat"
July 21 click here 
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Rabbi Fred Klein What the Ten Plagues tell us about our Present Situation:  An Exploration of the Philosophical and Pastoral Meaning of Illness March 30 click here

Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Pesach Prep March 26 click here

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag "Birchat Kohanim" March 11,2020 click here

Rabbi Adam Frieberg Pre Purim Shiur March 4, 2020 click here

Rabbi Dr. David Botton: February 20,2020  Folk, mystical and alternative medicine in Jewish history & halacha click here

Rabbi Adam Frieberg: February 19,2020 Deconstructing Divine Providence: Hashem is Here Hashem is There Hashem is Truly Everywhere click here

Rabbi Adam Frieberg: February 12,2020 Deconstructing Divine Providence: The Tibetan Villager and the Rosh Yeshiva click here

Elie Klein, North American Director of Development for ALEH "How Disability Inclusion is Reshaping Israeli Society" February 6,2020 click here

Rabbi Adam Frieberg: February 5, 2020- Deconstructing Divine Providence: Does God Care About Your Dog click here

Rabbi Yoni Levin January 14, 2020 Preserving the Torah in an Ever-Changing World click here

Rabbi Edward Davis January 8, 2020 The Coming of Mashiach click here
                                 January 15,2020 Mistakes in the Siddur click here

Rabbi Reuven Ziegler "A Glimpse into the Heart of a Gadol: Why Does Rav Soloveitchkik Share of Himself in His Philosophical Writings" December 29 click here

Amy Horowitz Mini Series
 Avraham January 1 click here

Adam, December 11 click here

 Noach, December 25 click here


Audio Shiurim 2019

Rav Hershel Schachter December 1, 2019 The Purpose of Marriage

Dr. Oren Stier November 9,2019 Kristallnacht

Rabbi Jonathan Hirsch "Rav Moshe Feinstein" 11/6/2019

Rabbi Jonathan Hirsch "Rav Henkin" 10/23/2019

Sara Frieberg "God's Secret Formula: Understanding the 13 Midot Harachamim" 9/25/19

Sara Frieberg Siddur 101 - Overview of High Holiday Prayers 9/23/19

Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Halacha on the Parsha July 25, 2019 click here

Rabbi Yaakov Laredo click here

Summer Beit Midrash 5779
Halacha from the Parsha with Rabbi Yosef Weinstock
Nasso 5779: Halachic Adulthood 

Sisterhood Annual Yom Iyun 2019:
Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner The Transition from Matzoh to Chametz
Mrs.Tobi Wolf  The Impact of Rut on Our Heritage
Mrs. Yonina Blumenthal The Secret Life of Pharaoh
Rebbetzin Sara Schrek, Pirkei Avot, Part 1,  Part 2,  Part 3
Mrs. Dina Dobkowski Sefiras Haomer: The Secret to Solving the Problems of Todays World
Rebbetzin Sara Frieberg, Lag Baomer: Celebrating Individuality   
Mrs. Holly Seidenfeld Hannukah and the Temptation of Secularism

Sara Frieberg's Mini-Series on Megilat Rut:
5/13/19 Rut's Choice
5/20/19 Megilat Rut: A New Approach to its Connection to Shavuot 
Topics in Shemot - Why the Enslavement by Sara Frieberg 1/7/19
Topics in Shemot - The Midwives by Sara Frieberg 1/14/19
Topics in Shemot - Chet HaEgel by Sara Frieberg 1/28/19
Topics in Shemot - Chet Haegel Part II by Sara Frieberg 2/4/19
Topics in Shemot - Understanding Mishkan by Sara Frieberg 2/11/19

Dr. Leeor Gottlieb
May 7, 2019
When Targum Censors the Bible -   click here  

Rav Azarya Berzon 
May 5, 2019 Pesach, Shavuot, Miracles, and Israel Independence Day click here

Rav Shaul April 4 click here

Rabbi Yosef Weinstock, Rabbi Adam Frieberg and Rabbi Michael Goldberg Insights April 16  click here

Mrs. Tobi Wolf 4 Kosot at the Eishet Chayil Initiative Women's Haggadah Round Robin 


Dr. Sam Sugar Halacha and Guardianship - When Worlds Collide 3/18 Click here

Rabbi Michael Goldberg- Drinking Until One Doesn't Know: Raba & Rav Zeirah's Deadly Purim Meal- Part of the pre-Purim mini-series 3/5/2019 Click here

Rabbi Adam Frieberg- Megillah by Microphone: Amplification or Nullification-Part of the pre-Purim mini-series 3/12/2019 Click here

Rabbi Michael Goldberg - The Tale of Vashti's Tail 3/19/2019 Click here

Rabbi Meir Goldvicht  "The Secret and Essence of Simchat Purim" 3/2/2019 click here

Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky "Must Alexa Keep Shabbos" 2/23/19

Rabbi Edward Davis "Challenging Midrash" Part I 1/14/2019 click here to listen

Challenging Midrash 1/21/2019 Part IV click here to listen

Challenging Midrash 2/11/2019 Part V click here to listen

Lisa Baratz Eicha 2/12/2019 click here to listen

Rabbi Yonason Sacks  1/12/2019 "Cognitive Mitzvot: Obligations and Expections"


Rabbi Mordechai Willig 1/8/2019

Kristallnacht Commemoration 5779 - Oren Stier, PH.D, Elie Wiesel, Israel, and the Ghosts of the Holocaust 11/10/2018


Audio Shiurim 2018 and Earlier

Eishet Chayil Initiative Program:
From Frazzled To Focused (Master Your Time) by Rivka Caroline 10/22/18
Financial Literacy  (Master Your Financial Health) by Carol Lasek, Brooke Bienefeld, and Cindy Day 11/14/18
Why Every Mind Needs Mindfulness (Master Your Well-Being) by Dr. Aliza Septimus 12/19/18

Women in Bereishit- Chava by Sara Frieberg 10/18/18
Women in Bereishit - Sarah by Sara Frieberg 10/25/18
Women in Bereishit - Rivkah by Sara Frieberg 11/1/18
Women in Bereishit - Rachel and Leah by Sara Frieberg 11/8/18
Women in Bereishit - Dina by Sara Frieberg 11/15/18 (*unfortunately missing the last 10 min)

Praying From Within: Chana's Story & Your Rosh Hashanah by Sara Frieberg 9/5/18

 Yom HaAtzmaut -Don't Be Left Behind by Shani Taragin (until minute 50)
Rabbi Aaron Goldscheider Beginning at minute 50) Rav Kook Rewrites HaTikva 4/15/18

Pesach Products and Preparations 2018 by Rabbi Weinstock 3/12/18

"Dealing with Difficulties Part 1: Rambam" by Rabbi Davis 11/27/14

"Ohel Avraham V'Sarah: Model for The Jewish Home" by Rabbi Menachem Nissel 11/16/14

"Anne Frank: the Most Famous Holocaust Survivor" by Dr. Oren Stier 11/9/14

Shemittah 5775: Israeli Produce by Rabbis Davis and Weinstock 10/28/14

Rabbi Jonathan Hirsch on Eit Laasot: Women's Talmud Study 10/22/14

Rabbi Weinstock on Sefer Yonah 9/23/14

Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro Pre Selichot 9/21/14

Rabbi Davis on Machzor: 9/17/14

032811: Cooking And Shabbat 

100121: Ibn Ezra on Parshat Bo

100217: Coffee and Conversation 3: Torah and the Constitution

100223: A Closer Look at Purim- Rabbi Weinstock

100225: Ibn Ezra on Purim

091216: Coffee and Conversation 2: Cardozo

091201: A Closer Look at Chanukah

091118: Coffee and Coversation 1: Brandeis

091022: Ibn Ezra on Noach

091029: Ibn Ezra on Lech Lecha

091119: Ibn Ezra on Toldot

Rabbi Edward Davis Rashba

Rabbi Edward Davis Rambam

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag Maggid

Rabbi Mencahem Leibtag Expansion of our Understanding of the Haggadah

Men's Seder 5777 with an Array of Presenters on Hagadah

11/15/2017 Rabbi Yosef Weinstock's first lecture on The Founding Fathers of Israel

Rabbi Yosef Alkalai 

12/20 Rabbi Yosef Weinstock's second lecture on The Founding Fathers of Israel Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kalischer

1/17 Rabbi Weinstock's third lecture in The Founding Fathers of Israel Rabbi Shmuel Mohliver

11/29/2017 - Rabbi Adam Frieberg Warming Food on Shabbat Part I

12/20/2017 - Rabbi Adam Frieberg Warming Food on Shabbat Part II

More Classes are available for download HERE

Daf HaShavua Moed Katan

Daf HaShavua with Rabbi Adam Frieberg March 26, 2019 click here

Rabbi  Adam Frieberg Daf Hashavua March 3 Daf 16 click here

Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Daf Hashavua February 25 Daf 15 click here

Rabbi Adam Frieberg Daf Hashavua February 18 Daf 14 click here

Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Daf Hashavua February 11 Daf 13 click here

Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Daf Hashavua February 5 Daf 12 click here
Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Daf Hashavua January 29 Daf 11 click here

Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Daf Hashavua January 14 Daf  9A click here
Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Daf Hashavua Daf 7B January 7 click here
Rabbi Adam Frieberg Daf Hashavua Daf 7 January 2 click here
Rabbi Adam Frieberg Daf Hashavua Daf 6 December 31 click here
Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Daf Hashavua Daf 6 click here
Rabbi Adam Frieberg December 3, 2019 Daf Hashvua Daf 3     click here

Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Daf Hashavua Moed Katan 11 click here

Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Daf Hashavua Moed Katan 12 click here
Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Daf HaShavua Daf 14  
Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Daf Hashavua Moed Katan July 30 click here
Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Daf HaShavua Daf 17
Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Daf HaShavua Daf 19
Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Daf HaShavua Daf 22
Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Daf HaShavua Daf 24
Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Daf HaShavua Daf 2
Rabbi Adam Frieberg Daf Hashavua Daf 27 (November 5, 2019) 

Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Chagiga Daf Hashavua Daf 1

Rabbi Adam Frieberg Chagiga Daf Hashavua Daf 3

Mon, October 28 2024 26 Tishrei 5785