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Committee Description Chair/Staff Contact
Adult Education Coordinate Scholar-in-Residence with Rabbis, check shul & community calendar to avoid conflicts Lisa Baratz
Bikur Cholim Visiting the sick, distributing items needed i.e: wheel chair loan, send meals when needed. Jillian Galitzer, Yael Sobol
Brotherhood Develop and run social programs, weekly breakfast, fundraisers with other men in the shul. Steven Lazar
Cemetery   Rabbi Weinstock
Chevra Kadisha   Yossi Lahav
Decorum Manage ushers & decorum in the sanctuary on High Holidays and Shabbat.  
Development Committee  Develop and strategize the annual fund plan, identify key prospects, make giving accessible- share your ideas, put your special touch on solicitation communications

Chairs: David Prager and Josh Loberfeld

Staff: Melissa Leonard 

Expansion Develop and implement expansion plan (including fund raising); coordinate meetings with committee, architect, builder, Shul Administrator Ari Pearl
Feed The Homeless   Batzi Berman
House Assist with the overseeing of the maintenance of the building, get quotes for large jobs, work closely with Janitorial staff, plan budget for repairs and maintenance. Maish Staiman, Joey Betesh
Jewish Educational Fund Responsible for raising funds for distribution to Jewish Day Schools in South Florida that education shul youth ages K-12 grade. Phil Baratz
Journal Responsible for all aspects of annual journal including distribution of ad blanks, coordinate printing, follow up with solicitors, proofreading, review of budget  
Journal Dinner Responsible for all aspects of annual dinner including invitations, replies, catering selection, entertainment, gifts, hall set-up. Work closely with Shul Administrator on costs and budget.  
Kol Nidre Appeal Ambassador  Join a team of solicitors for our biggest fundraiser of the year- help divide member lists and call to invite members to participate in the mitzvah of supporting the shul before Yom Kippur- training is provided to help guide you and assist you if you should need any help!  Melissa Leonard (staff)
Life & Legacy Coordinate bequests from members to include synagogue in their estate planning. Reva Homnick (staff)
Marketing / P.R. (new) Coordinate marketing and P.R. efforts on behalf of the shul, including web, print, social media, and media relations. Melissa Leonard (staff)
Programming Brainstorm programs for the shul. Fundraisers as well as Fun Raisers. Plan events for Yom Ha'Atzmaut/Yom HaZikaron, Yom Yerushalyim, Tu B'Shevat, Lag B'Omer, Yom HaShoah. coordinate with other shul branches and other local organizations to avoid date conflicts. Melissa Leonard (staff)
Raffle Responsible for selling of annual raffle tickets, finding prizes, creating a raffle drawing event. Melissa Leonard (staff)
Ritual Gabbaim who are responsible for all services. Distribution of honors, coordination of Torah reading and all aspects of running services on daily basis. Gerald Mayerhoff
Safety & Security

Volunteer Advisory Committee to the Board Of Directors and the Administration. Assist law enforcement and hire professional security officers responsible for campus security. Work with shul Executive Director to create an annual budget. Assist with DHS grant implementation.

Dror Ben-Aharon
Shiva Minyan/Shiva House Serve as liaison between family members and synagogue leadership. Help prepare home where shiva will take place. Coordinate the minyan and meals as needed. Risa Chopp
Simcha Gemach Lends table linens, chair covers and centerpieces to enhance the Simchas in the greater Hollywood Jewish community Ilana Melnitsky, Anniel Nagler
Sisterhood Develop and run social and educational programs, Bat Mitzvah program and other fundraisers for the women in the shul. Lauren Stamm, Binyamina Zahavi
Social Action Develop and run social and educational programs, Bat Mitzvah program and other fundraisers for the women in the shul.  
Welcoming/ Membership Reach out to new members, coordinate New Member gifts with Sisterhood/Brotherhood, connect new members with an established family, coordinate social programs for new members. Mimi Friend
Yizkor Book Publish annual Yizkor Book. Coordinate book entries, advertising and printing. Michael Baratz
Youth/Teen Work with youth staff in establishing programs. Assist in establishing a budget, review quarterly. Menachem Goldstein
Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785